Kingswood Health Corner


We are very pleased to announce that the Kingswood Health Corner is now fully operational offering an area dedicated to patient health.

The Patient Participation Group raise money throughout the year to help fund additional ‘patient’ related items to enhance the care and support received at Kingswood Surgery and have generously supported this project. You will find a wealth of information about healthy living in the health corner, including information and advice on how to make healthy choices.

Also, you are encouraged to make use of the Blood Pressure machine and also the new height and weight machine which also gives you a Body Mass Index (BMI).

Both pieces of equipment will print out a slip of paper recording your results – please write your full name and date of birth on the back of the piece of paper and pop it into the box in the health corner. These results will be added to your personal patient notes which will help clinicians to access up to date information when assessing your care.

Published: Mar 5, 2024