Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

The aim of the Kingswood Surgery PPG is to give patients of the Surgery an opportunity to become actively involved with the doctors and staff in planning and developing new services and to take an active interest in their own healthcare.

If you would like more information on the value of such a Group, please go to (N.A.P.P. is the umbrella organisation for Patient Participation Groups).

If you would like to join the group please either contact the surgery on 01892 511 833 or sign up using our secure online form

Patient Participation Group Committee


Chairman: Sue Stanbridge

Married with two grown up children.  I have lived and worked in the Tunbridge Wells area most of my working life.  We ran our own sports retail business for 15 years.  For the last 25 years I have worked in the health service – originally for the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (and its predecessors). For the last five years I worked for the Practice Based Commissioning Groups / West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group, where I closely supported GP practices and helped to commission services.  Although I retired from West Kent CCG, I am still working within the health service in various roles, and am keen to continue to play an active role in the Kingswood PPG.

Vice Chair: Mary Chamberlain

My family became patients at Kingswood in 1975 when we came to Tunbridge Wells. After I had retired as a registered nurse I was delighted in 2007 to be asked to help with the introduction of the PPG. I have been part of the committee ever since, & for the past ten years have held the position of Vice Chair. The PPG, as the voice of the patient, supports & works with the surgery staff & I am proud to be part of the active group which is the Kingswood PPG.

Personally, I am married & was a nurse for 40 years latterly in ophthalmology & have a keen interest in end of life care. Two children, nine grandchildren, one with special needs, & two great grandchildren keep us busy. In any time left over, I enjoy quilting & practicing Tai Chi. 

Secretary: vacant

Treasurer: Louise Buck

I live locally and I am married with three grown up sons. We have two lively Springer spaniels who definitely keep me active, enjoying long walks in our beautiful countryside.

I have 30 years’ experience in customer service working across varying sectors. Most recent positions include working for the ICB (Integrated Commissioning Board - NHS) as a Programme Manager taking responsibility for End-of-Life care, community and virtual ward programmes across Medway and Swale. I also worked at Hospice in the Weald for almost 10 years with a majority of this time working as the Head of the Community team otherwise known as HOS (Hospice Outreach Service).

In early 2023 I completed a Master’s degree in Senior Collaborative Leadership which has allowed me to dedicate myself to this particular role using a lot of what I have learnt to further encourage and grow a high-quality team.

I am a hardworking and highly motivated individual and look forward to contributing to the ongoing work being carried out here at Kingswood Surgery.

I am the new practice manager at Kingswood Surgery.


Elizabeth Malik

I taught in Primary schools in London and in Tunbridge Wells at Rusthall and Bishops Down. I also worked at Citizens Advice as an advisor and advocate on a Mental Health Project funded by the Hospital Trust and Social Services. This experience led me to become a director of a Mental Health charity in Southborough. I consider my main role on the committee is to gather information and useful contacts, particularly in the voluntary sector, hopefully enabling patients to access services fully.

Stephen Parris

My wife and I have been with Kingswood since 1972. We have always been happy with the quality of care from both doctors and nurses. In the past, I have put forward a couple of ideas, which have been well received. I do not believe in change for the sake of change; but do believe in making life easier for all concerned. I am very cost conscious and I do believe that Kingswood spends its budget well. The PPG has done much to improve the lives of patients and staff and I hope will continue to do so. My own experience on committees is wide, ranging from C of E church councils overseas to residents’ associations. My career in the Diplomatic Service presented many challenging situations involving people in very difficult situations, some of them tragic. I therefore have a good understanding of how tough life can be for the medical profession. In retirement, I was a volunteer with Hospital Radio for 10 years and met many patients in hospital, some of whom were just pleased to see a friendly face and have a few words about how they were feeling. For a number of years, I was a volunteer at Trinity Theatre. I am a great believer in self help to keep fit and well and encourage others to do likewise to benefit both their physical and mental welfare. I do a great deal of cross country walking and lead a couple of groups locally and occasionally further afield.

Yvonne Massie

I live next door to Kingswood Surgery and have done so for 6 years. Moved here from a bungalow with a sea view from Sandgate, Kent. I am a widow now and have 2 sons, 1 daughter and 3 grandchildren. I was married to an RAF Officer for many years, travelling the world and losing count of the many homes we had!

I worked as a trained florist from a young age, working in many locations over many years. I spent many years associated with welfare work with RAF families, charity and fund raising events. I carried out volunteer work at the hospital including the hospital radio.  I also worked for British Forces Broadcasting Services.

Currently, I am a volunteer at Hospice in the Weald flower group working in public areas and also arranging flowers for patient rooms. 

I also joined U3A on my arrival in Tunbridge Wells, and have since joined a book group, and made many new friends.

I am very interested in supporting Kingswood Surgery PPG in any new venture that the Surgery or the Committee feel would be beneficial and in the interest of the patients.

Pat Micklewright

I have been registered at Kingswood Surgery for over 20 years.  I am married with one son who lives in California with his wife and  our granddaughter. Also, I have two brothers - one lives in Australia and the other in Spain. So, I have travelled a fair bit. Indeed, when young I was at school abroad, as my father was in the RAF, but  on returning to the UK  I went to a Grammar School in Kent. I first went to work for Unilevers, in their market research department. At this time, market research was a growing industry and I was able to grow with it - eventually becoming a Director of Consumer Research Ltd and then Market Research Manager at the Joint Credit Card Company, when a consortium of banks launched the Access Credit Card to compete with Barclaycard.

Approaching my 40s I decided on a change of career, first training to be a nurse in the field of learning difficulties and then in psychiatry . I worked in private and NHS nursing, becoming a Nursing Sister. I am now enjoying a busy retirement, with varied interests and activities.

Jane Al Kailani

I have worked with a firm of architects, researching and sourcing of produces for various projects. I then became a carer for a family member for 10 years.
I moved down to Tunbridge Wells a number of years ago and became involved in various charities before becoming a volunteer at the Nuffield Hospital in Kingswood Road. I attended their cancer group monthly meetings as well as becoming involved with a walking group around Dunorlan Park which highlights the importance of exercise on a regular basis for both mind and body. This social activity also allows the opportunity for group members to ask questions about cancer treatments to a medic who accompanies the group. Having been a patient at Kingswood since coming to Tunbridge Wells, I feel my background helps to support my role as a PPG committee member.

Timothy Tempest

I have been a patient of Kingswood Surgery for nearly 40 years and together with my wife have benefitted greatly from the medical expertise provided by the team there.

Now retired, my career was spent in the hospitality industry, initially in luxury hotels and then subsequently within the licensed trade, with my last position running over 40 pubs in the City and West London for Fullers.

I continue to have links to pubs acting as an Adviser to ‘Pub is the Hub’ for the South East Region, with the aim of assisting rural pubs diversify by offering community services, shops, cafes, libraries and the like, beyond their usual remit.

I am also Chairman of Sherwood Men’s Shed in Tunbridge Wells. Started in 2015 we exist to help deal with the issue of social isolation and loneliness in older men as well as providing a step on the road to recovery for those recovering from mental health issues. In so doing we are able to provide a safe, inclusive and friendly environment in which “shedders” can learn new skills, share experiences and make new friends.

Finally, I am Chairman of my local Resident’s Association; an active Committee Member of Friends of the Grove and represent both of these organisations at the Town Forum.

  • Ruth Ellis
  • Ann Long

Trevor Hurrell

Although I am now divorced, my ex-wife and I moved to Tunbridge Wells in 1997, and have always felt extremely fortunate that a local friend suggested that we registered at Kingswood shortly after our arrival.
I retired [officially] in 2004, after a career mainly spent managing small/medium-sized Companies in the Beauty Industry in France, Italy and the USA – as well as the UK, to which I finally returned in 1991.

I quickly realised that retirement risked proving rather unrewarding/unfulfilling – and that I probably still had a contribution to make to the world around me. One role I found for myself was acting as a voluntary [pro bono] Career Development counsellor to young adults seeking to further develop their career, which has proved immensely enriching.

And as music had always been a very important part of my life, I was also able to make a contribution between 2009 and 2017 as General Secretary of The Royal Tunbridge Wells Choral Society
Although sailing had been the biggest “hobby” for most of my life I – alas – found some years ago that I’m no longer nimble enough to pursue it – and am content with occasional bigger [motor-boat] outings.

I have great admiration for the entire team at Kingswood, and hope very much that I’ll be able to find ways of contributing further to the success of the Practice.

PPG Newsletters

Why does the Patient Participation Group (PPG) raise funds?

At Kingswood Surgery we are very fortunate to be supported by an amazingly dedicated groups of individuals who make up the PPG.

Some might ask, why does the PPG raise funds?

Kingswood PPG raises funds for the provision and maintenance of medical and/or ancillary equipment (additional) which is not normally available from statutory funds received from NHS England, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and/or the Primary Care Network (PCN).

Recent PPG funds raised have contributed to new equipment including; height and weight machine with printer, mobile screens, vinyl desk chairs for consultation rooms as per Infection, prevention and control guidelines and additional chairs in the waiting room. We are also very grateful to the PPG for the provision of the Health Corner at Kingswood which enables patients to take their own blood pressure, height and weight to support GPs and other staff to assess patients more quickly because vital information has already been added to patient notes. All funds raised by the PPG will only be spent on equipment to support the patients at Kingswood Surgery.

Kingswood Surgery receives donations via book sales, raffles and other organised events such as; sponsored events.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

If you have any further questions about why the PPG raise funds please ask to speak to me:

Louise Buck, Practice Manager.