Greener Practice GP


What does this mean for the Practice?

We’ve signed up to the Green Impact for health toolkit!

  • We’ll be considering different areas in and around the practice and thinking of ways we can make improvements to reduce our impact and improve our sustainability. Some of the things we’ll be focusing on are:
  1. Inhaler recycling
  2. Active transport solutions
  3. Energy efficiency
  4. Social prescribing
  • We’ll be encouraging staff and patients to think about how they can bring greener practices into their day to day lives
  • We’ll be keeping you up to date with our progress on the website and around the practice – and we’d love to hear your stories too

Why are we doing this?

  • The key message of the Lancet Countdown report in 2019 summarises why this is important: ‘The life of every child born today will be profoundly affected by climate change, with populations around the world increasingly facing extremes of weather, food andwater insecurity, changing patterns of infectious disease and a less certain future. Without action, this new era will come to define the health of people at every stage of their lives.’
  • As health professionals, we have a responsibility to work in the best interests of all our patients. The climate crisis is the biggest public health issue we are facing and we believe it is essential to make changes in order to work towards a better, healthier future for all.

More information can be found on the Greener Practice website.

Published: Nov 29, 2024