Complaints Policy


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Initially complaints are sent to our Practice Manager and then we can look into why something went wrong and how we can prevent it happening again.

We recognise that patients who complain about the care or treatment received have a right to expect a prompt, open, constructive and honest response including an explanation and if appropriate, an apology. All complaints will be acknowledge within three working days of receipt and a you will receive a reply within 10 working days.

If we believe that it will take longer than 10 working days, we will write to inform you of this and continue to send a regular update until we have completed our response.

If you have an experience you would like to share with us, or a complaint you would like to make, please use our secure online form or ask to speak to Louise Buck, Practice Manager, Kingswood Surgery, Kingswood Road, Tunbridge Wells TN2 4UH.

If you are unhappy with our response, or wish to escalate your complaint for higher attention, then since 1st July 2023, the handling of escalated complaints now rests with the following organisation:

South East Complaints Hub NHS
Frimley ICB
Aldershot Centre for Health
Hospital Hill, Aldershot
Hampshire GU11 1AY

Phone number: 0300 561 0290

You can find more details on the Kent and Medway ICB website